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Parent Newsletters, Information and Resources

To help our parents keep up to date on our weekly plans, news and events, we send out a weekly newsletter. In case of any problems receiving this, copies will always be added to the link below.

There are also links to many fact sheets and web links for support, advice and general information.


We've also included a link to a learning from home sections which we developed during lock down. It contains lots of ideas and activities you may like to try and home including baking, crafts and tips to support your child with their learning. 

Weekly Newsletters

Ideas, songs and activities from Jacqui

What to Expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage

A Parent's Guide

Under 5 workshops - The Strong Start Team

The team is a group of qualified and experienced Early Years professionals commissioned by Public Health who work closely with the Health Visiting and Infant Feeding teams across Northamptonshire to support families with babies and children under 5. To find out more on upcoming workshops please click below.

Take Action Today Put Them Away

A campaign to reduce household poisoning among children under five


Parents guide to feeding your child a healthy, varied and balance diet.

Choking Hazards

Tragically, a child dies in the UK every month from choking and hundreds more require hospital treatment. It can happen quickly and it can happen to anyone. The Food Standards Agency have issued two posters which can be downloaded below as a helpful reminder of how to minimise the risk of choking.

Guidelines on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep

World Health Organization for recommendations for 24 hour physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age.

Safety online

Help and advice for parents on keeping children safer online.

Learn at Home Downloads

Ideas and inspiration to keep you busy at home

Friends of Middleton Cheney Pre School

Our private FB page for our parents.

Firework Safety

Lessons for little ones.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Lots of videos to keep little ones entertained

Standing in the Gap

Banbury charity helping families deal with anxiety and worries

Young Minds

Guide to talking to your child about the virus and how to care for your family's emotional health.

Every Mind Matters

Guides for taking care of yours and your family's emotional and mental health.


01295 712353

Main Road, Middleton Cheney, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX17 2PD

©2019 by Middleton Cheney Pre School. Proudly created with

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